About us

Program Description

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) under the School of Science & Engineering already established its name in both academia and industry for tutorial based education, well equipped laboratories and highly experienced faculty members. Apart from providing quality education, the department is giving utmost importance on providing cutting edge technology, next generation research facility and building strong network supports. The program has been structured to make the students specialized in the following areas-

  •  Power System, Sustainable Development & Renewable Energy Stream

  •   Computer and Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Stream

  •  Advanced Communication,Satellite, Wireless & Smart City, IoT and Big Data Stream

  •  Advanced Electronic Device, Materials and Biomedical Stream

Message from the Head

It is my earnest pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) under School of Science and Engineering (SSE) at the Canadian University of Bangladesh.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) is considered as one of the most pioneer of engineering degrees that has the widest job scope available in both nationally and internationally. Our EEE program focuses on four major fields of namely Electrical/ Power, Electronics, Communication and Software Technologies; which in sum covers Renewable Energy, Power Systems and Power Stations, Smart Grid, Electrical Machines, Fiber-Optic Communication, Wireless Communication, Telecommunication Networks, Semiconductors Devices, Photonics, Programming, Big data, AI & Robotics, Machine Learning, Biomedical Engineering, 3D modeling and Automation and so many other industry relevant fields. The demand of EEE has been increasing with time and it will never diminish. I, as the Head of EEE, have taken the responsibility to set the Department as a forerunner department on EEE in Bangladesh. Our courses are UGC approved, well-structured and up to date with latest and next generation technologies from the relevant fields. Furthermore, to develop self & independent learning and to make the students prepared for the industry, theory and lab courses have been structured conforming to OBE in accordance with IQAC guidelines.
Though our department started its journey on 2017, we already have introduced High Impact IoT Research and Automation Lab funded by High-Tech Park, ICT Division as one of the world class IoT hubs. We have also constructed 15 state of the Art EEE laboratories including this IoT Research Lab and already taken initiatives to introduce 13 research cells with our experienced faculty members and foreign advisory board. This, in result, will not only promote research and innovation among the students but also will take the research into commercialization through business modelling. Department has a plan to engage students in foreign industrial training, student mobility across the world, national and international conferences and so on. So, join us, feel the difference and be proud. Our students after graduation will be the forefront leader of fourth generation (4G) industrial revolution.
I invite bright young students with the ambition to become industry leaders to join our program. We are always looking for outstanding faculty members in our team and you are welcome to let us know about you.

Dr. Ifat Al Baqee
Associate Professor and Head, Department of EEE
School of Science and Engineering
Canadian University of Bangladesh


  • - Engineering the Future
  • - Creating Tech-Leaders
  • - Achieving Next Generation Technological Advancements


  • To form the best academic scholar team with foreign expertise and the highest degree of education to provide the young minds quality education without any compromise.
  • To create new knowledge and overcome challenges in R&D (research & development) by bringing innovation into commercialization.
  • To engage each student in research by department's flagship research cells, projects and by ensuring participation in international platform.
  • To help student built a powerful network in industry for their future career


Center for Research and Innovation

Faculty Members

Dr. Ifat Al Baqee

Dr. Ifat Al Baqee

Associate Professor and Head, Department of EEE

Additional Director, IQAC
Department of EEE, School of Science and Engineering
Canadian University of Bangladesh
PhD in Biomedical Image Processing, Australia
B.Sc. in Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering, MIST
Member ICASIT, Editorial Member Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Research Interests:

Imaging Processing, Computational Algorithms, Pattern Recognition, IoT, Signal Processing, EHealth Technology
Email: ifat.baqee@cub.edu.bd (office), ibaqee@gmail.com (personal) Phone: 01715135140

Arnab Saha


Department of EEE
Canadian University of Bangladesh
M.Sc. (EEE), KUET (ongoing)

Research Interests:

Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Device Fabrication
Email: arnab.saha@cub.edu.bd



Department of EEE
Canadian University of Bangladesh
M.Sc. (EEE), KUET (ongoing)

Research Interests:

Renewable Energy, Power Systems Stability, Control System
Email: sakhawat.hossain@cub.edu.bd



Department of EEE
Canadian University of Bangladesh
M.Sc. (EEE), BUET (ongoing)

Research Interests:

Power Electronics Devices, Electric Vehicle Technology, Power System Stability
Email: ahnaf.shahriyar@cub.edu.bd



Department of EEE
Canadian University of Bangladesh
M.Sc. (Renewable Energy), DU (ongoing)

Research Interests:

Power System, Renewable Energy, AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), IoT
Email: senjuti.oyshee@cub.edu.bd

International Advisors of EEE Department

Dr. Sharshad

Dr. Sharshad Kara Kuni

Research Fellow, IMAR Intelligent Mechatronics & RFID, Ireland.


Ph.D. in Control System
University of Nottingham, UK
B.ENG. in Mechatronics,
University of Nottingham, UK

Skills & Expertise:

Control, Systems & Designing Programing, Modelling & Simulation

Dr. Tanvir Muntasir

Process Engineer
Intel Corporation, USA


Ph.D. in EEE,
IOWA State University, USA

Mamoon Al Bashir

Dr. Mamoon Al Bashir

Assistant Professor in Supply Chain
Director, Graduate Admissions, Hull University Business School
University of Hull, UK
Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK


Ph.D. in Supply Chain Analytics
University of East Anglia, UK
MSc. in International Business
Aberystwyth University, UK

Skills & Expertise:

Logistics, Digitalisation, Operations Management, Optimisation & Sustainability

Dr. Otuami Obiga

Faculty Member
Niger Delta University, Nigeria


Ph.D. in Renewable Energy,
University of Nottingham, UK B.Eng. (HONS),
University of Nottingham, UK


Dr. CV Aravind, CEng

Chartered Engineer (IET, UK)


Ph.D. in Electrical & Power Engineering, UPM, Malaysia
Bharathidasan University
B.ENGG. in EEE Bharathiyar University, India
Abhay Menon

Dr. Abhay Menon

Biotech & Bioeconomy Researcher,
CIRCBIO, Shannon ABC, IT Tralee, Ireland


Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Brunei University, London

M.SC. & Ph.D. in Biotechnolgy
University of Nottingham, UK


Emdad Haque

Systems Engineer
Laureate International Universities
Sydney, Australia


MCP, LFCSA, CISCO, AWS & Microsoft Certified
M.SC. in Telecom & Computer Systems Networking,
New South Wales, Australia
University of Nottingham, UK

CUB Alumni

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